St Hilda's Special School Athlone



What a fun filled term we have had here in the Sunflower class. Firstly, we welcomed Patrick into the Sunflower class in September. Patrick has settled very well into our class and made lots of new friends. We are delighted to have Patrick in our class and his spark and enthusiasm for school is infectious. Patrick has made a big impression on his new friends, and we are all delighted to have another Sunflower classmate to enjoy school with.

We enjoyed a nature walk this term. We had lots of fun out in the fresh air experiencing the local environment. We also collected colourful Autumn leaves along the way which we use in our weather display.

The children are really enjoying art lessons with our art teacher Kerri weekly. Niamh our music teacher is a welcome visitor to our class. The children select their favourite songs, and Niamh conducts a beautiful music session weekly. The children are really enjoying art and music, and we look forward to Damien our P.E instructor visiting in the next term.

We had such fun celebrating Luca’s birthday this term. We celebrated with chocolate cake, fun filled music session and lots of smiles. Happy birthday Luca.

The student of the term awards was a fun part of this term. Patrick was awarded Student of the term in the Sunflower class. He has come to school with a smile on his face every day and has settled so very well. Well done Patrick.

We are all looking forward to the midterm break and wish all our students a very happy Halloween.

Mar 17
St.Patrick's Day
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
May 05
Bank Holiday
Jun 02
Bank Holiday
Grace Park Road, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.
090 6475825/Extension 1
© 2025 St Hilda's Special School Athlone